This to me is genuinely a classic to me and will always love this song.. thank you
This to me is genuinely a classic to me and will always love this song.. thank you
this beat is dope man :) i like the change up to the beat too lol ..btw is tht slayer? just wondering
Thanks =) Didn't want it to sound too repetitive. Plus the chorus should be very noticeable and different.
Nah it's not "slayer." It's Nexus2- Guitar expansion. Yup.
Thanks again =)
really great :D
love the flow to this beat and love the melody at 1:00 .. great job dude :)
Thanks that's my favorite part too
hahah man dope :D
it sounds like garbage in the i mean the song Garbage (look it up ) :D ..the song is sick :D
Thanks! I'll look up that Garbage song :P
Sick man :D
gross beat huh? XD over all this is sick man..great job on the crushed bass ...and the opening is just right..its not tht long its just right..just people is impatient here in newgrounds..this is art for ur ears.. im hoping one day i can work with u ..if u want to just messege me man lol ...keep it up man 5/5 10/10
Yep that's gross beat :P We might be able to make a song one day. I'll check out you're stuff :)
love the vibe
i like the rap vibe i have sub woffers and this Bass sounds awsome :D great job t-free :D
Thanks for the review, XemeX! :b
and u talk about my music ..lmao :D...tip dont scream like tht when u sound like u have a soar throat...u shud take this down ..really..Friday sounds like a master piece compared to this lol...dont trool on my music wen u shit sucks ass...hairy ass..nasty hairy ass
:D w00t
to be honest i dont hear the auto tune and i dont care it sounds good :D... i love it
dude this is amazing :D
the guitar the rythm the drums and ur voice man..its all great :D i love this song now lol...keep up the good work :D
NICe man XD but...
i was guna totaly do a remix of this song D:...dam owell ima still do it :# ..but still nice job on this song ..nice crusher basss ...and synth too u did a awsome as job dude ^^ keep it up
I'm a Sound Designer and Graphic Designer.
I also still Compose Music mainly for indie Games or MODS now.
Age 32, Male
Sound/Graphic Design
Your Mum University
Joined on 3/7/10